25 replies on “FC Barcelona players test-drive Audi’s first hybrid plug-in vehicle”

  1. RM = CRjoto (me repiten votaciones) Penaldo, SergioElTontoRamos,
    PepeBasura, MarceloPelosDeMiHue, JamesSobrevaloradoRodriguez,
    ChicharoHAHAHAHernandez, TonyNoTeQuizoElBarcelonaKroos,
    ComeMocosCACAsillas, KeylorBancasNavas, BenzeEnfermoSexualMa,
    GarethCagonBale…. #FIFAdrid #UEFAdrid Florentino CORRUPCION Perez, HALA
    MIERDID !!!!! cada temporada robando como 15 puntos en liga, EL MOVIMIENTO
    NUNCA ACABARA 😉 #HALAMIERDID #RoboAlEibar #RoboAlBasilea

  2. if i was one of the players, i would do a hit and run with my car on
    enrique and pique, at least afterwards i’ll go to jail with a big smile on
    my face…xD

  3. Официально: Андрес Иньеста получил медицинское разрешение и сможет принять
    участие в завтрашнем матче против Валенсии.

  4. #Barca is the best team in the world forever… & #Messi is the best
    player in the world forever, forever & again forever…

  5. hola chicos barcelona’m en Brasil, herida que necesitan para depositar
    cualquier cantidad en las cuentas bancarias de los bancos: ITAÚ ag.8322
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    00201830-2 estoy agradecido.

  6. They cropped the part in which suarez gets frustrated and starts biting the
    steering wheel 

  7. I don’t need an Audi but just please please please give me Neymar? 😀 Ney I
    love you! <3

  8. بيكيه الزق

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